Ode to the Orchard

Pickering Road Orchard, Hull, 18th April 2019

Sitting in the orchard among the trees
Drinking water, slowly,
Feeling the need for refreshment
And cells needing feeding.
Birdsong louder than the rumble of traffic.
The easy breeze lapping skin and bark
Yellow moss on finger-twig branches,
Each ending with little bursts
Of green, pink and red.

Gulls with wings of grey and black
And bellies a splash of white
Glide high in the blue, blue sky
Among the pastel streaks of cloud.
A tribe of amber-leaved majestic trees
Stand guard, stand tall
Between the road and the self-seeded thicket
Implicit on protecting
This precious, peace-filled place.

Rumours of a fox with locks of brown
Pleased to be free to roam
And have a home, here.
In this gentle nurturing space
This gathering, growing, loved
And flowing grace-space
Where I’m resting, feeling blessed,
Looking around seeing people
Giving of their best.

Feel the trees rising, wanting to clap
Feel their sap wanting to sing
Feel their roots connecting.
A community creating something special
Something beautiful, something wise
Something to open eyes
And feed the soul.
A place of plenty
For young and for old.

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