I said to God the other day

Matt's House, Boulevard, Hull, May 2018

I said to God the other day:
“You’re not enough.”
And He said
And I could feel His heavenly relief,
Sense His smile spreading,
its gentle joy tickling me forward,
tickling me out of a stuck space –
the “me and God against the world” space,
the hidden habitat of a fear-based holiness.

I said to God the other day:
“You’re not enough.”
And She said
And then She took my hand
and started dancing.
And soon it was Mother, Son, Spirit and me -
me and this rowdy Trinity,
unrestrained, impolite, fearless, free.

I said to God the other day:
“You’re not enough.”
And They said
And then slapped my back, raised a glass,
threw bread like confetti,
flung open the door of that still small space
and we tumbled out
into the land of the living
Like wild things among wild things.

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