Breathing In
Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Dec 2010
Today I feel I can finally breathe.
Today I feel I can finally breathe.
A month in and finally I can begin to be.
From a shaky start with no known home
Being thrown by plans changing,
Thoughts rearranging:
Weaning off the obvious,
Wrestling with the whys,
Waiting for the unexpected.
This time last year I rode round in tuk tuks
Taking photos, exploring, taking it all in.
When I got a bike I was off,
Sweat pouring, gleeful in the anarchy
Of mad moto-filled streets.
Today I pedalled and felt God’s pleasure,
Saw his wink in the glint of a Lexus wing mirror
Saw his smile part the traffic
And usher me through.
Last time I just wanted to see the colour
And focus on the life here.
Didn’t want to know about war and death
Didn’t want to know about grief.
So avoided the genocide museum
Kept away from the Killing Fields
Was careful to tread a safe path
And guard my soul.
This time I have walked the ground of Toul Sleng*
Strengthened by a free-wheeling friendship
That took in all the bumps and steps and cracks.
Together we faced the mugshots,
The rows of dead-eyed stares,
Faces that could have been Sreyrohm, Sokim, Gul.
Faces that could have been my friends.
This time last year I was happy to mooch
To try things out and have a go.
To test and see if this land was good
To see if I could breathe here.
Today I gulp great lung-fulls
Of life in a spacious place
And finally feel I can breathe here,
Finally feel free to be home.
museum in Phnom Penh