At The Coalface

Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 14/12/10

Back at the coalface.
Back in the land.
No longer here just to look.
Instead it’s time
To take up my pick
And start carving out a life
Unearthing hidden treasures
Locked in years of promise.

For now it’s a season of slowness
Of feeling the rock
Of facing the looming freedom
Of living alone.
Already tested in the weakness
Of stomach sickness.
Exhausted by the thought
Of calling for help.

All too aware of no one there
Too soon for an easy community.
Wrestling with weariness and self-pity
The back-of-the-mind pressure
To do, make friends,
Get out there, get on with it.
The imagined demands
On faces far away.

But then a shift in thinking
And smiles of friends appear.
Each one for me,
Not against me.
Like the great cloud of witnesses
Waving their support
Yet with feet planted on this earth
Standing under the same sun.

Here the sky is sparkly and clear
And the land rich and green.
Here the people grin and giggle
And welcome,
Always welcome me in.
Yet still I feel
The unresolved rawness
The repression of a nation’s soul
Still suffering.

Centuries of civil war
Have left their legacy
With tribe against tribe
Friend against friend
Man against wife.
The now you see me
Now you don’t play acting
Of hidden truths
And up front lies.

The overflow of NGOs
Of missions and churches
Of projects and causes
All with different ways and views.
You can feel the unease
The friction and competition
The wariness and caution
The temptation not to trust.

Yet here I am
Standing at the coalface
Grasping at the words
To define this time.
The more I see and hear
The more my head spins.
The more I think too much
The more I delay.

So with pick in hand
I smile at those who sent me
Who loved me enough
To set me on my way
And ask that you might pray.
For Strong Arms around me
Peace deep within me
And release of the Wildness
That will break the rock.

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